We have collected answers to frequently asked questions from immunogold users. When your question is not listed, please contact our help-desk by e-mail. We will do our best to give you an answer by return mail.
Gold nanoparticle conjugation
• What is the advantage of gold nanoparticle conjugation via adsorption?
• Can you give me more information on gold nanoparticle conjugation strategy?
• What is the conjugation principle behind covalent conjugation using carboxyl-functionalized gold nanoparticles?
You can find the answers on the questions about gold nanoparticle conjugation on this page.
Immuno Gold conjugates
• What kind of particle size should I use?
• Is it true that gold conjugates are more background prone than other conjugates?
• Should I use a secondary gold conjugate or Protein A (or G)?
• In which case should I use a Fab or F(ab’)2 conjugate in stead of the complete immunoglobulin conjugate?
You can find the answers on the questions about immuno gold conjugates on this page.
The immuno incubation protocol
• Is it possible to double label using two antibodies from the same animal source?
• Is it possible to do pre-embedding labeling of intracellular antigens?
• My specimens for pre-embedding have a lot more antigens than a corresponding ultra thin section. Should I use more concentrated reagents?
• When should I use normal serum in the incubations?
• What about sensitivity, signal-to-noise ratios and detectability?
• What is epi-polarization microscopy?
You can find the answers on the questions about the immuno incubation protocol on this page.
Silver enhancement
• How can I do a controlled silver enhancement with pre-embedding?
• What kind of grids should I use for silver enhancement?
• What about silver enhancement and OsO4?
• How can I verify that the silver enhancement reagents are still fine?
You can find the answers on the questions about silver enhancement on this page.
Trouble shooting
• How can I verify that my conjugates are still active?
• I get no positive results, now what?
• I am having background problems; is this due to the gold conjugate?
• Is there a training program for immuno gold (silver) staining where I can bring my own specimens?
• Are there any fora which I can address with questions regarding labeling or microscopy?
You can find the answers on the questions about trouble shooting on this page.