For your convenience Aurion has developed Ready-To-Use Incubation buffer solutions, with long term stability, that significantly reduce the risk of background. The main buffer component is AURION BSA-c™, a unique buffer additive that prevents aspecific binding of antibodies and immunodetection reagents to polycationic sites in the specimen like histone proteins in the nucleus.
The Ready-To-Use Incubation buffer solutions are applicable in all types of immuno(cyto)chemical procedures, not only in ImmunoGold Silver Staining, also in immunofluorescence and immuno-enzymatic techniques in microscopic and macroscopic applications.
There are two types of the AURION Ready-to-Use Incubation buffer: one containing AURION BSA-cTM and one containing AURION BSA-cTM and Tween 20® .
The ready-to-use Incubation buffer containing AURION BSA-cTM and Tween 20® combines the positive effect of both AURION BSA-cTM and Tween 20® with respect to reduction of charge determined and hydrophobic background This incubation buffer solution suits those applications were preservation of structure is less important. A protein block step prior to the actual incubation may not be required.