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Immunogold labeling is a widely utilized technique in immunocytochemistry for pinpointing specific antigens in tissue via electron microscopy. To implement this method, gold-conjugated immunoreactive proteins are employed in the immunogold staining process to mark the specific cellular components of interest. Aurion excels in producing and supplying an extensive array of gold conjugates for immunogold staining, inclusive of gold-conjugated antibodies with diverse particle diameters.
More information about immunogold
If you have any questions about our products you can go to our page dedicated to your questions.

Conventional Kit Goat-anti-Rabbit IgG (H&L) € 407,70
EM Kit F(ab’) fragment of Goat-anti-Rat IgG (H&L) Ultra Small € 675,00
Donkey-anti-Goat IgG (H&L) € 265,00 – € 435,00
AURION Enhancement Conditioning Solution (10x) € 50,00

Conventional immunogold labeling
Our conventional immunogold reagents for immunogold staining are designed for use in immuno electron microscopy. The gold markers of these immunogold labeling agents can be seen directly with standard electron microscopic methods, meaning no additional silver enhancement step is required. These reagents are based on colloidal gold particles of assorted sizes, spanning from 6 nm to 25 nm, ensuring a monodisperse particle population. This minimizes size variation and particle diameter overlap, facilitating multiple labeling studies. Aurion immunogold reagents are formulated to meet various labeling protocol.
Ultra-small gold reagents for immunolabeling
In the domain of immunogold staining, our conventional immunogold conjugates are particularly effective for post-embedding immunogold labeling and detecting cell surface antigens that are readily accessible. Aurion also provides unique ultra-small gold reagents for immunogold staining. These particles, averaging 0.8 nm in diameter, can be directly visualized in high-angle annular dark-field scanning TEM. Typically, however, silver enhancement is necessitated for immunogold staining. This process deposits metallic silver on the gold nanoparticle surface, amplifying the diameter of ultra-small gold to levels visible in regular TEM, SEM, light microscopy, and bioassays. For electron microscopy observations, Aurion has developed R-GENT SE-EM, another specialized product.
Learn more about the immunogold labeling protocol
For more detailed guidance on the immunogold labeling protocol, Aurion supplies ready-to-use gold-conjugated antibodies, protein A and G, as well as streptavidin for the task. If you prefer to perform the conjugation yourself for immunogold staining, the necessary gold nanoparticles are also available. Detailed information regarding the correct immunogold staining conjugation protocol can be found here. We offer in-depth explanations of our immunogold reagents, blocking solutions, and silver enhancement application in our incubation protocols section, providing insights into both the pre- and post-embedding immunogold staining procedures. You can also expand your knowledge and gain practical experience with the immunogold labeling protocol by participating in one of our international workshops.
Order your reagents online from our web shop
Our web shop carries both conventional and ultra-small reagents for immunogold staining, and with most products in stock, delivery is guaranteed within three working days, ready for immediate use. Custom immunogold labeling services are also offered if the required gold-conjugated antibodies are not listed in our web shop. We welcome your inquiries about our products or for a quote—contact us at (+31) 317 415094 or send an email to info@aurion.nl.